Taekwondo Program for Boys, Girls, & Adults

Taekwondo is the world’s most popular martial arts. The boys program has been running in Dar-ul-Islah for over 10 years, in the last 2 years we started a girls and adults program. The goal of the school is to improve our kid’s discipline, confidence, leadership, self-defense, physical fitness and provide them an opportunity to represent the school by competing in regional tournaments.
The school strives to provide an exciting environment that attracts our youth to the masjid and the Muslim community. It also provides the students who earn Black Belts leadership opportunities by participating in mentoring and training younger students. The program runs 9 months a year and breaks during Ramadan and 2 months in the summer. We are fortunate to have highly proficient and dedicated instructors.
Classes & Instructors

- Classes: Sat & Sun from 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
- Boys & Men Instructors: Saleh Farhan Black Belt D4, Adnan Idrus Black Belt D4, Mohamed Habbeh Black Belt D1 and Jibran Mohamed Black Belet D1.
- Girls & Ladies Instructors: Natalia Cruz Black Belt D3 and Keith Vidale Black Belt D3.
Program Details

- Click to download Taekwondo Program Information
- Click to join Taekwondo Program Mailing List or send email to sports@darulislah.org to join our mailing list.
- Prorgam Coordinator: Mohamed I. Talaat
- Email: sports@darulislah.org
- Cell: 201-500-7176